利用映像に関して / Copyright rules
・2CH [Sakuraチャンネル]での映像は多方面から提供を頂いており、最終的な版権保持者からの承諾では無い場合が発生する可能性があります。
連絡先 info@sakuratv.com
・We obtain copy rights from various copy right holders for screening their video clips by written consent, by talking, by e-mail etc. If you find us showing your video contents without your copy right agreement of genuine copy right holder’s authorization, please let us know, we will remove them immediately from our service. All video clips provided to us are not edited, cut or sold to third party.
Contact at; info@sakuratv.com
・Sakura TV will not edit, insert or sell video clips provided. Our purpose of using given video clips is to promote Japan and Japanese tourism as well as promoting Japanese food and culture.
・Sakura Channel 2 will not broadcast any video contents of political propaganda clips, violence clips, religious hate clips, racism clips, or sexual expression materials.