News and Reports


NZ Heraldにて、インタビューを受けました。


thumbnail of 2023 APFF Member site 2023


NZ Heraldにて、「NZでの日本食の成長」について、関川がインタビューを受けました。




thumbnail of 2022 4月8日在オークランド日本国総領事館にて 2022 April 8

thumbnail of 2022 73rd Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China Auckland 2022 September 28

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thumbnail of 2022 トッパントラベル記事


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thumbnail of 2019 中国 新華社通信 2019年11月3日記事


thumbnail of 2016 China Daily 2016 March 23

thumbnail of 2016 China Daily Is Japan on the verge of a nuclear disaster following an explosion in a nuclear power plant 2016 March 20

thumbnail of 2016 Fukuoka Garden at City Council 2016 April 4

thumbnail of 2016 Nice Japan 記事 2016 June 20

thumbnail of 2016 据新西兰天维网综合报道 2016 March 28

thumbnail of 2012 SKY Kiwi Chinese Media 2012 June 29


thumbnail of 2015 関川まさ NZ Daisuki 記事 2015 February 6


thumbnail of 2013 Indian News 2013 January 14

thumbnail of 2014 Police Award 2014 November 7


thumbnail of 2013 Indian News 2013 January 14

thumbnail of 2013 Taiwan News 2013 Jan 5


thumbnail of 2012 Korean Day 2012 March 27

thumbnail of 2012 Mayor disagrees with Queen St warning 2012 June 29

thumbnail of 2012 NZ Chinese News 2012 June 30

thumbnail of 2012 SKY Kiwi Chinese Media 2012 June 29


thumbnail of 2011 Otago Daily News 2011 April 19

thumbnail of 2011 RNZ News 2011 April 19


thumbnail of 2010 STUFF article February 22 2010 February 22

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